In the timeless realms of “Eternal Love’s Journey,” a regal love story unfolds! Meet Amara, the enigmatic Queen of Kush, and Akil, her soulmate and King. From ancient secrets to modern mysteries, their love spans the ages, igniting flames that refuse to be extinguished. Betrayal, magic, and destiny intertwine as they traverse through history, their […]
When humanity first began to explore the stars, Kris Galloway signed up enthusiastically, excited to transform his lifelong hopes and dreams into something more. But as exploration fanned across the galaxy, Kris could never have imagined that humanity would behave so dreadfully to the sentient life it encountered – actions that did not go unnoticed […]
Patricia has everything she has ever wanted in life except one thing love. It’s complicated because he is in her life but only as a friend and she is afraid to tell him until her best friend makes sure she does. This event falls right in line with what she wants. But as time goes […]