Melanin Pages

Melanin Pages is not just a platform; it's a movement.

Terms of Service

  1. Product Descriptions: We strive to provide accurate and detailed descriptions of all books and merchandise available on our platform. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. It is the responsibility of the customer to review the product descriptions before making a purchase.

  2. Pricing and Availability: While we make every effort to ensure that all prices and availability information is accurate, there may be occasional discrepancies. In the event that a product is listed at an incorrect price or becomes unavailable, we reserve the right to cancel or modify the order and provide a refund if necessary.

  3. Order Fulfillment: Melanin Pages does not handle order fulfillment directly. All sales and shipping processes are managed by the respective authors and vendors. We provide links to external sources where customers can complete their purchases and choose their preferred payment methods.

  4. Customer Support: We are committed to providing excellent customer support. In the event of any issues with your purchase, such as damaged or incorrect items, please contact us and we will assist you in resolving the matter. We will work closely with the author or vendor to reach a mutually satisfactory solution.

  5. Privacy Policy: At Melanin Pages, we value your privacy and protect your personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for detailed information on how we collect, use, and safeguard your data.

  6. Return and Refund Policy: For books, all return and refund requests should be directed to the respective author or vendor. Melanin Pages will facilitate communication between the customer and the author to ensure a fair resolution. Refunds for merchandise are not available unless otherwise stated on the product page.

  7. Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement: We take plagiarism and copyright infringement seriously. All authors and vendors are responsible for ensuring that the content they provide is original and does not violate any intellectual property rights. If you believe that any content on our platform infringes upon your copyright, please contact us immediately.

  8. Platform Fees: Melanin Pages does not charge platform fees for book sales or transactions. Authors and vendors retain all royalties and earnings from their sales. However, please note that third-party payment processors may charge their own transaction fees, which are beyond our control.

  9. Subscription Fees: Authors who choose to subscribe to our platform are required to pay a recurring subscription fee of $15.00 every three months. This fee covers the cost of maintaining and promoting their books on Melanin Pages. Subscriptions can be canceled at any time, and authors will not be charged for future subscription periods. However, please note that subscription fees are non-refundable.

  10. Subscription Renewal: Subscription fees will be automatically charged to the author’s chosen payment method at the beginning of each subscription period unless canceled before the renewal date. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that their payment information is up to date and that sufficient funds are available to cover the subscription fee.

  11. Subscription Benefits: By subscribing to Melanin Pages, authors gain access to a range of benefits, including increased visibility for their books, promotional opportunities, and engagement with a vibrant community of readers. We strive to provide valuable resources and support to help authors succeed in their publishing journey.

  12. Changes to Subscription Fees: Melanin Pages reserves the right to modify the subscription fees or introduce new pricing plans with prior notice. Any changes to the subscription fees will be communicated to authors in a timely manner.

  13. Suspension or Termination: In the event of a violation of our Terms and Policies, Melanin Pages reserves the right to suspend or terminate an author’s subscription without prior notice. This includes, but is not limited to, engaging in fraudulent activities, violating intellectual property rights, or engaging in any behavior that harms the integrity or reputation of our platform.

    1. Sales and Revenue: Melanin Pages provides a platform for authors to showcase and promote their books, but we do not guarantee sales or specific levels of revenue. While we strive to create a supportive environment and actively promote authors and their works, the success of book sales is dependent on various factors, including market demand, reader preferences, and the author’s marketing efforts.

    2. Author Responsibilities: Authors are responsible for the promotion and marketing of their books to maximize their sales potential. This includes leveraging their personal networks, engaging in effective marketing strategies, and utilizing social media and other promotional channels. Melanin Pages provides resources and tips to assist authors in their marketing endeavors but cannot guarantee specific sales outcomes.

    3. Commission and Royalties: Authors retain full ownership and control over their books and set their own prices and royalty rates. Melanin Pages does not take any commission or percentage of book sales. Authors receive direct payments from customers who purchase their books through external links provided on our platform. It is the author’s responsibility to manage and track their sales, royalties, and payments.

    4. Book Promotion: Melanin Pages actively promotes books and authors through our website, social media channels, and marketing initiatives. However, the extent and frequency of promotional activities may vary based on factors such as book genre, author engagement, and market trends. We strive to provide equal opportunities for all authors but cannot guarantee equal exposure for every book.

    5. Continuous Platform Improvement: Melanin Pages is committed to continuously improving our platform, user experience, and promotional efforts. We welcome feedback and suggestions from authors to enhance our services. However, the implementation of specific features or changes is at our discretion and based on technical feasibility and alignment with our platform’s goals.

      1. Top-Shelf Services: Melanin Pages provides an exclusive opportunity for authors to showcase their books through our “Top-Shelf” services. These services are designed to highlight select books that meet specific criteria determined by Melanin Pages. Authors interested in availing themselves of the Top-Shelf Services should review the eligibility requirements and guidelines provided by Melanin Pages.

      2. Featured Services: At Melanin Pages, we offer “Featured Services” to authors who wish to prominently display their books on our platform. These services provide increased visibility and exposure for selected books. Authors interested in featuring their books should familiarize themselves with the requirements and guidelines set forth by Melanin Pages.

      3. Must Read Services: To promote outstanding books, Melanin Pages offers “Must Read Services” that showcase exceptional literary works. These services aim to help readers discover noteworthy books across various genres. Authors whose books meet the criteria for Must Read Services can explore the guidelines and requirements provided by Melanin Pages.

      4. Season Recommendations Read Services: Melanin Pages curates “Season Recommendations Read Services” to suggest books that align with the current season or thematic trends. These services assist readers in finding books that resonate with the specific time of year or popular reading preferences. Authors who believe their books are a good fit for the Season Recommendations Read Services can refer to the guidelines and requirements outlined by Melanin Pages.

        1. Resolution of Complaints: Melanin Pages values the satisfaction of its users and aims to address any concerns or complaints promptly. Authors who receive complaints related to their books or services have a responsibility to respond within three business days. It is crucial for authors to acknowledge and address these concerns in a timely manner.

        2. Plan of Resolution: Upon receiving a complaint, authors are expected to develop and present a plan of resolution to Melanin Pages. This plan should outline the steps the author intends to take to address the complaint and ensure a satisfactory resolution for all parties involved.

        3. Removal of Books: Failure to respond to complaints within the specified timeframe or neglecting to provide a plan of resolution may result in the removal of the author’s book from the Melanin Pages platform. It is essential for authors to understand the significance of timely communication and proactive efforts in resolving complaints to maintain their book’s presence on the platform.

          1. Non-payment of Subscription Fees: Authors are required to fulfill their financial obligations by paying the subscription fees for using Melanin Pages’ services. Failure to make the necessary payments within the specified timeframe may result in the removal of the author’s book from the platform.

          2. Removal Process: In cases where an author fails to pay the subscription fees, Melanin Pages reserves the right to initiate the removal process. This may involve notifying the author about the overdue payment, providing a grace period for payment, and ultimately removing the book from the platform if the payment remains outstanding.

          3. Reinstatement: If an author’s book has been removed due to non-payment of subscription fees, the author may request reinstatement upon settling the outstanding balance. However, Melanin Pages reserves the right to review and determine whether reinstatement is possible based on the specific circumstances. 

    1. Authors responsibilities for book sales: Melanin Pages provides authors with the opportunity to sell their books through the platform. To ensure a positive and secure shopping experience, the following policies apply to book sales:

    a. Authorized Merchandise: Authors must have the necessary legal rights or appropriate authorization to sell the books they offer. It is their responsibility to ensure that the books do not infringe upon any intellectual property rights or violate any laws or regulations.

    b. Book Listings: Authors are responsible for creating accurate and descriptive listings for their book. The listings should include clear images, detailed descriptions, pricing information, and any applicable product variations or options.

    c. Pricing and Payment: Authors have the flexibility to set their book prices. Melanin Pages does not charge a transaction fee or commission on books sold, which will be clearly communicated to the author. Authors book sales will be directed to their payment platform that the Author provided.

    d. Shipping and Fulfillment: Authors are responsible for managing the shipping and fulfillment process for their merchandise. They should ensure that orders are processed promptly and accurately, and that customers receive their merchandise in a timely manner. Clear communication regarding shipping times, tracking information, and any potential delays is essential.

    e. Customer Support: Authors should provide reliable customer support for merchandise-related inquiries, including order status, returns, and exchanges. Prompt and professional communication with customers is vital to ensure customer satisfaction.

    f. Quality Assurance: Authors are expected to maintain the quality of the merchandise they sell. The merchandise should be accurately represented, free from defects, and of satisfactory quality. Authors should promptly address any customer concerns related to the quality of the merchandise.

    1. Copyright Ownership and Proof requirement Policy

    1.1. As a user of Melanin Pages, you are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary rights and permissions to upload and share content on our platform.

    1.2. You must own the copyright to the content or have obtained proper authorization from the copyright holder before publishing it on Melanin Pages.

    1.3. By submitting content, you affirm that you possess the necessary rights and permissions to do so.

    Proof of Copyright

    2.1. When uploading your content, you must provide proof of copyright ownership or authorization from the copyright holder.

    2.2. Acceptable forms of proof include:

    – A congratulatory email or confirmation from a self-publishing service indicating the publication of your work.

    – A live confirmation email from a publishing platform validating the publication of your book.

    2.3. These documents serve as evidence that you have legally obtained the rights to publish the content.

    Intellectual Property Protection

    3.1. Melanin Pages respects the intellectual property rights of others and takes copyright infringement seriously.

    3.2. If we receive a valid copyright infringement notice regarding your content, we may be required to take appropriate actions, such as removing or disabling access to the infringing material.

    3.3. It is your responsibility to ensure that your content does not infringe upon the copyrights of others.

    Resources and Assistance

    4.1. To help you navigate the self-publishing process and understand copyright requirements, Melanin Pages provides a resources section on our website.

    4.2. In this section, you can find guidance on self-publishing, reputable companies and individuals who can assist you with different stages of writing, editing, formatting, and book promotion.

    4.3. We encourage you to utilize these resources to enhance your knowledge and make informed decisions regarding copyright and self-publishing.

    Please be aware that failure to comply with our copyright requirement may result in the removal of your content from the platform or other appropriate actions as deemed necessary.

    Thank you for choosing Melanin Pages as your platform to showcase your creative talent.

    1. Copyright Policy

    At Melanin Pages, we value and respect the intellectual property rights of others, and we expect our users to do the same. This Copyright Policy outlines our commitment to protecting copyrighted material and provides guidelines for addressing copyright infringement claims.

    Copyright Ownership

    1.1. We fully respect the copyrights of authors, publishers, artists, and other creators.

    1.2. Users are required to only upload or share content for which they own the copyright or have obtained proper authorization from the copyright holder.

    1.3. By submitting content to Melanin Pages, users affirm that they possess the necessary rights and permissions to do so.

    Reporting Copyright Infringements

    2.1. If you believe that your copyrighted work has been infringed upon on our platform, please submit a formal notice of infringement to

    2.2. The notice should include the following information:

    – A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or authorized representative.

    – Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed.

    – Sufficient information to locate the infringing material on our platform.

    – Contact information, including your name, address, telephone number, and email address.

    – A statement that you have a good-faith belief that the use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

    – A notarized statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the information provided is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

    Removal of Infringing Content

    3.1. Upon receiving a valid copyright infringement notice, we will promptly investigate the claim and take appropriate actions.

    3.2. If we determine that a user has infringed upon someone’s copyright, we may remove or disable access to the infringing material.

    3.3. We reserve the right to terminate the accounts of repeat infringers.


    4.1. If you believe that the material you posted on our platform was mistakenly removed or disabled due to a copyright infringement claim, you may submit a counter-notification.

    4.2. The counter-notification should include the following information:

    – Your physical or electronic signature.

    – Identification of the material that has been removed or disabled and its location.

    – A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you have a good-faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification.

    – Your name, address, telephone number, and email address.

    – A statement that you will accept service of process from the person who provided the original copyright infringement notification or an agent of such person.

    Repeat Infringers

    5.1. We have a strict policy of terminating the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe upon others’ copyrights.

    Please note that this Copyright Policy is subject to change without prior notice. It is your responsibility to review this policy periodically for any updates or modifications.

    If you have any questions or concerns about our Copyright Policy, please contact us at

    Vetting Policy: 

    At Melanin Pages, we have a thorough vetting policy in place to ensure the quality and relevance of the books featured on our platform. Each book submission goes through a careful evaluation process conducted by our experienced team. We consider factors such as the book’s content, literary merit, cultural significance, and alignment with our platform’s mission to amplify diverse voices and perspectives.

    We prioritize inclusivity and aim to showcase a wide range of genres and themes that authentically represent the experiences and stories of Black authors. While we strive to provide a platform for emerging voices, we also value established authors who contribute to the richness of Black literature.

    Our vetting process is designed to maintain the integrity of our collection and ensure that our readers have access to high-quality books that resonate with their interests. We are committed to promoting diverse voices and providing a platform that celebrates the talent and creativity of Black authors.

    If you have any specific inquiries about our vetting policy or would like more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

    Book Submission Policy:

    1. Book Submission: Authors can submit their books for consideration through our online submission form. They provide relevant details such as book title, author information, synopsis, book images and copyright information.
    2. Vetting and Evaluation: Our experienced team carefully reviews each submitted book. They assess factors such as content, literary quality, genre, cultural relevance, validity of copyright/ publication status and alignment with our platform’s mission. This process ensures that only high-quality and relevant books are accepted.
    3. Cataloging and Metadata: Once a book is accepted, we proceed with cataloging it in our online bookstore. This involves assigning relevant metadata such as title, author, genre, description, and keywords. These details help readers discover and search for books effectively.
    4. Formatting and Presentation: We work closely with web developers to ensure that our Authors books are appropriately formatted for our platform. This includes optimizing the book’s layout, cover design, and other visual elements to enhance its presentation, book description to make it more appealing to readers.
    5. Online Publication: After the formatting process is complete, the book is published on our online bookstore, making it available for purchase by readers. We ensure that all necessary information, including pricing, reviews, and book descriptions, is displayed accurately. We ensure that payment links are working properly.
    6. Marketing and Promotion: We actively engage in marketing and promotional efforts to maximize the visibility and reach of the books on our platform. This includes leveraging social media, email campaigns, partnerships, and targeted advertising to reach our intended audience and generate interest in the featured books.
    7. Continuous Improvement: We continuously evaluate and enhance our processes to ensure a seamless and efficient experience for authors and readers. Feedback and suggestions from authors and customers are invaluable in driving our platform’s growth and improving our services.
    8. Author Support and Communication: We maintain open communication with authors, providing updates on promotional activities and any relevant opportunities. We also offer assistance and guidance to authors on various aspects of the publishing process, marketing strategies, and maximizing their book’s potential.


    Business/Individual Resource Page Listing Policy

    At Melanin Pages, we strive to provide a valuable and trustworthy resource page for our authors. We expect all businesses and individuals listed on our resource page to comply with our terms and policies to ensure the integrity and quality of the services they offer.

    1. Relevance: Listed businesses/individuals should be relevant to the writing industry, providing products, services, or resources that are beneficial to authors at any stage of their writing process.

    2. Reputation and Integrity: We require businesses/individuals to have a solid reputation and uphold high standards of business integrity. This includes delivering quality products/services, maintaining ethical practices, and demonstrating professionalism in their interactions with authors.

    3. Compliance: Listed businesses/individuals must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. This includes but is not limited to copyright laws, privacy regulations, and fair business practices.

    4. Quality Assurance: We expect businesses/individuals to maintain a high level of quality in their offerings. This includes providing accurate and up-to-date information, delivering products/services as described, and promptly addressing any customer concerns or issues.

    5. Respect and Inclusivity: We require businesses/individuals to foster an environment of respect, inclusivity, and diversity. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of hate speech will not be tolerated.

    6. Non-endorsement: Listing on our resource page does not constitute an endorsement by Melanin Pages. We provide the platform for authors to discover relevant services, but we do not guarantee the quality or reliability of listed businesses/individuals.

    7. Right to Remove: Melanin Pages reserves the right to remove any business/individual from the resource page at our discretion if they fail to comply with our policies or if their services no longer align with our vision and values.

    By submitting your listing for our resource page, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the above policies. Melanin Pages reserves the right to modify or update these policies as needed.


    Melanin Pages reserves the right to review and remove any merchandise listings that violate these policies. Authors who engage in fraudulent or unethical practices related to merchandise sales may face account suspension or termination.

    Please note that authors are responsible for complying with local laws and regulations regarding the sale of merchandise, including tax obligations and compliance with consumer protection laws.

    Authors are recommended to establish reasonable expectations concerning book sales and recognize that outcomes may differ for each individual. We encourage authors to actively participate in marketing and promotional activities to enhance the visibility and audience reach of their books.

    When you access and utilize the Melanin Pages online bookstore, you are agreeing to abide by these Terms and Policies. We retain the right to modify or revise these terms at any time, and it is your responsibility to periodically review them for any updates. We urge authors to thoroughly read and comprehend the subscription fee policies prior to subscribing to Melanin Pages. By subscribing, authors acknowledge and consent to comply with these terms.


⚠️  Warning Statement:

We want to inform you that the Erotic Genre is intended for adult audiences only (18+). This genre explores themes of passion, desire, and sensuality, and may contain explicit content and imagery that is not suitable for children.

We understand the importance of providing a diverse range of literary genres, including the Erotic Genre, to cater to different preferences and interests. However, we want to emphasize that this specific genre is strictly intended for mature audiences. Please be aware of the explicit nature of the content and exercise discretion when engaging with this genre.

At Melanin Pages, we prioritize the well-being and appropriateness of our content for all users. We strive to create a safe and inclusive platform where readers can find books that align with their preferences and age appropriateness.

Thank you for understanding and respecting the guidelines surrounding the Erotic Genre on Melanin Pages.